

Some times to see where someone is going you must see where they have been. 

It all started when...

Iron Men

January 2015

A few men gathered in the kitchen of Banner Church of the Nazarene to discuss how men could do better at being spiritual Leaders. They called them selves "Iron Men".

The Theater

Some time 2016

Kevin Jackson goes to a movie with his family at the Flick theater. During the movie he is moved by the spirit to ask the owner if he could have church here.

Critical Coaching

FEB 2ND 2017

Mark Bane's nourshiment and a church palnter's mentality. Leadership Group

Officially Established

MARCH 10TH 2017

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Becoming Relevant

FEB 2ND 2017

Mark Bane's nourshiment and a church palnter's mentality. Leadership Group

Our Own Place


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime ipsa ratione omnis alias cupiditate saepe atque totam aperiam sed nulla voluptatem recusandae dolor, nostrum excepturi amet in dolores. Alias, ullam.




Our Future